(269) 355-6865
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Kent County Bail Bonds Resources
With lots of licensed bail bondsmen in Kent County to choose from, you might think all are the same. They're not! Atwater Bail Bonds is a bail agency where you'll speak to a licensed bail bondsman and be provided honest and complete information for the ordeals you or your loved one are facing. In Kent County, there can be many intricacies within the bail system, and Atwater Bail Bonds is your go to resource to explain how you can get out of Kent County Jail and remain out on bond.
Here are some useful resources regarding the Kent County justice system:
17th Circuit Court - Kent (C17)
Kent County Courthouse
180 Ottawa Ave., NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 632-5220
Honorable Donald A. Johnston, III, Chief Judge
Honorable Paul J. Denenfeld, Circuit Judge
Honorable Kathleen A. Feeney, Circuit Judge
Honorable Dennis B. Leiber, Circuit Judge
Honorable Deborah McNabb, Circuit Judge
Honorable George Jay Quist, Circuit Judge
Honorable J. Joseph Rossi, Circuit Judge
Honorable Paul J. Sullivan, Circuit Judge
Honorable Mark A. Trusock, Circuit Judge
Honorable Christopher P. Yates, Circuit Judge
Honorable Daniel V. Zemaitis, Circuit Judge
Online access to records
Accepts online payment
Provides some sort of online docket
59th District Court-Grandville - Kent (D59~1)
3161 Wilson Ave., S.W.
Grandville, MI 49418
(616) 538-9660
Honorable Peter P. Versluis, Chief Judge
59th District Court-Walker - Kent (D59~2)
4343 Remembrance Road N.W.
Walker, MI 49534
(616) 453-5765
Honorable Peter P. Versluis, Chief Judge
61st District Court - Kent (D61)
Kent County Courthouse
180 Ottawa Ave., NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 632-5700
Honorable Jeanine Nemesi LaVille, Chief Judge
Honorable David J. Buter, District Judge
Honorable Michael J. Distel, District Judge
Honorable Christina Elmore, District Judge
Honorable Jennifer Faber, District Judge
Honorable Kimberly A. Schaefer, District Judge
Online access to records
Accepts online payment
62A District Court - Kent (D62A)
Wyoming Justice Center
2650 DeHoop Ave., S.W.
Wyoming, MI 49509
(616) 530-7385
Honorable Steven M. Timmers, Chief Judge
Honorable Pablo Cortes, District Judge
Accepts online payment
62B District Court - Kent (D62B)
4740 Walma Ave. SE
Kentwood, MI 49512
(616) 698-9310
Honorable William G. Kelly, Chief Judge
Online access to records
Accepts online payment
Provides some sort of online docket
63rd District Court - Kent (D63)
1950 E. Beltline Ave. NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
(616) 632-7770
Honorable Sara J. Smolenski, Chief Judge
Honorable Jeffrey J. O'Hara, District Judge
Kent County Probate Court - Kent (P41)
Kent County Courthouse
180 Ottawa Ave., NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 632-5440
Honorable David M. Murkowski, Chief Judge
Honorable Terence Ackert, Probate Judge
Honorable Patricia D. Gardner, Probate Judge
Honorable G. Patrick Hillary, Probate Judge
Kent County Correctional Facility
703 Ball Avenue NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Administration: (616) 632-6400
Inmate Information: (616) 632-6300